The most recent inspection reports for the school attest to its high standards of education and the development of strong personal and community values:
What is it like to attend this school?
“Pupils enjoy learning at this school. They feel safe. They said that staff are kind and supportive. Parents and carers are very positive about the school. A typical comment from parents is that the school is ‘wonderful, warm and caring’.
“The school is ambitious for every pupil to achieve well, and most pupils do. The school is calm and orderly. Pupils behave very well. They play happily together during breaktimes and lunchtime. Older pupils enjoy supporting the younger ones. Pupils are polite and respectful to each other and staff. Most pupils have excellent attitudes to learning. They enjoy being rewarded for doing good work and behaving well.
“The school provides many opportunities for pupils’ wider development. Some pupils enjoy being part of the values team, which helps promote the school’s values. Other pupils are sports captains who help organise team events and sports days. All pupils are proud to take part in the school show. They also raise money for charities. For example, pupils recently took part in a ‘skipathon’, where they raised money for young carers. There is a range of extra-curricular activities that pupils attend. They enjoy going to football, multisports and the film club.”
(Ofsted Report, June 2024)
“There is a real sense of Christian love and fellowship as you enter South Darley Church of England Primary School. It is intrinsic and in every aspect of the life of the school. This is an inclusive and caring community where all are valued and treated with respect and kindness. The recently established Christian vision of ‘living as children of light ’ is lived out daily by all. Pupils flourish because they are known as unique individuals and cared for by all staff. As a result, this rural Church school has the feel of a loving family where there is a strong and positive sense of belonging.
“The nurturing aspect of the vision is reinforced each morning as staff welcome everyone with warmth. Pupils articulate passionately that caring for younger children is important and everyone gets along, this creates a caring environment allowing all to thrive. Leaders, governors and staff speak with confidence about how the vision and values of the school support their high expectations for pupils.”
(Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools Report, December 2023)
The school’s address is South Darley C.E. Primary School, Cross Green, Darley Bridge, Matlock, DE4 2JT.
To contact the school, telephone 01629 73224 or email: [email protected]
Please visit the school website for further information.