Please see: weather-related road closures.
Snow and Ice
South Darley Parish Council is part of the Derbyshire County Council’s Winter Service Scheme. Seven of the grit bins around the parish are provided by the parish council and the others by the county council.
The grit bins in South Darley are regularly checked and those which need refilling are reported.
We aim to ensure that all grit bins are replenished throughout the winter.
Please contact us when a grit bin becomes empty.

DCC will refill parish council bins when requested, but the cost to us for each refill is over £100 per bin. The Parish Council has a store of bags of grit, so we can get these to any area in need of supplies while waiting for a grit bin to be refilled.
Some important points to note about the use of grit in the bins and clearing of snow:
The grit in the yellow bins may be used on public roads and footways, but should not be used on private paths and drives.
A little grit goes a long way. Any lying snow should be cleared and a small amount of grit spread over the area. There is no need to throw shovelfuls around as the grit is more effective if it is flicked of the shovel with a stick.
It is always a great help to everyone if people clear the footway outside their own property.
We do have some volunteers who help to make the pavements safer for everyone during the worst of the winter weather. If anyone is interested in volunteering, we can provide information on what a volunteer needs to do. Please get in touch.
Please see our dedicated page on flood information.