Marking the Platinum Jubilee

In celebration of the Queen’s jubilee, the Parish Council have installed a number of hand-crafted nesting boxes and bug hotels in the plantation across from the school. Brian Else from Chesterfield kindly made the boxes for us in exchange for a donation to Ashgate Hospice. The boxes are cunningly placed and should provide the children with some fun attempting to find and count them all. 

The Parish Council have also received some Jubilee grant funding which has been used to purchase a commemorative bench for the plantation from TDP in Wirksworth, a company that specialises in outdoor furniture made from recycled plastic waste.

Later on in the year South Darley school will be helping to plant a small copse of 30 trees which will from part of the Queen’s Green Canopy. The trees are being provided free to community groups from the Woodland Trust. The QGC initiative invites individuals and community groups to plant trees to mark the Platinum Jubilee and to enhance our environment by increasing our native tree cover. Tree planting will commence in October 2022 and continue until the end of the Jubilee year so it’s not too late to get involved if you have a patch of land that might be suitable. Any enquiries please contact: [email protected]