The parish council actively monitors the traffic speed levels on our roads, predominantly the B5057, with the support of the traffic police as part of regular Speedwatch exercises.
Our aim is to make drivers aware of the speed that they are travelling at through the parish and the speed that they should be travelling.
We pass the details and speeds of any cars, vans and lorries exceeding the speed limit to the Derbyshire Constabulary who contact the vehicle owner directly.
If you are concerned about the number of vehicles which are travelling at excess speeds through our communities and would like to become involved in our Speed Awareness Scheme, please let us know.
We are very keen to get as many people as possible carrying out these sessions. The training given by the traffic police is very easy to understand and complete.
If you would like any further information or would like to sign-up to do the training please contact our Parish Clerk: [email protected].